Nearly every dairy herd is affected by lameness at some point, and for many, it is a persistent problem. Hoof problems don’t have to be accepted as a fact of dairy cow life, though
“Age at calving and herd replacement rates are the largest factors influencing heifer costs,” shared Jud Heinrichs, Penn State extension specialist. “This affects the numbers of heifers...
It takes a team both at home and at shows to run a successful show string. Over the years, Budjon has become one of the biggest, housing nearly 350 head of cattle for around 50 clients
Dairy farm technology in 2066 will be more nature-based than it is today. It will be guided by information across the entire farmstead, including fields wherever feed is grown. Dairy farmers will employ...
Is it just me or do the last few weeks of winter seem like the longest? You get a little break, maybe a couple days of gorgeous sunshine, and then the next storm blows in
The newest fad in shopping for meat looks a bit like a consumer walking out to a cattle yard or pasture, pointing at an animal, and saying, “I want that one.” In the past few years
by Coleen Jones and Jud Heinrichs. Completely updated, this all-new book gives you what you need to raise healthy calves. CALVING events of a normal calving, assisting delivery, care of the newborn calf;...
by Coleen Jones, Jud Heinrichs. SPANISH EDITION | Translation by Dr. Victor Mireles. This book gives you what you need to raise healthy calves. Available in both English and Spanish editions
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives September 12, 2016: Fine-tuning transition cow care presented by Phil Cardoso, University of Illinois Brought to you by: Ajinomoto Heartland ( Phil Cardoso...